Monday, February 1, 2010

Bellinzona Castles!

Oh my what a first weekend. We ended classes early on Friday, Magda let us out early for those of us going on the 1:15 train to Bellinzona. Bellinzona is a just a 20 minute train ride, through Switzerland. About 25 of us were going to go site see. We hoped off the train and walked straight to the first castle. It was something out of a movie, a real LIFE CASTLE! Although it took away from the authenticity of it, we took an elevator to the top. We walked around taking pictures and just looking out over the gorgeous town. After about 30 minutes of walking around, up and down the towers and such, we headed down to the town. We found a huge church, so we walked inside and it was GORGEOUS (I’m thinking that beautiful churches is going to be a theme this semester). We walked around taking pictures, and I wrote in the prayer book to bring us home safe and sound after this crazy semester and lit a candle. After a few hours in town we decided to hop back on the train and head home. Typical Claire she had lost he round trip ticket, but the ticket checker looked at her receipt and let her go. So we came home and got ready, for what else? But going out! As a house we decided to go to an Irish pub (BAD IDEA) without getting lost it would have been a 30 minute walk in heals, but because we were following James who apparently knew exactly how to get there it took us about an hour! We walked in, and immediately met some AMERICANS!!!!! They went to Franklin college which was right across the street, it was so refreshing to hear everyone speaking English, even the bartenders.

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